
Take care of each other and respect other people’s personal space. While unwitting, non-consensual and devious assaults happen rarely, every case is one too much – encroaching behaviour is not acceptable, drugging others is a crime and dangerous: offenders are being permanently removed from the premises and reported to authorities. In order to reducing harm through un/conscious behavior, find below information and resources for a safer togetherness, and how to help yourself or others when help is needed.
What everyone can do
– Take care of each other
Be respectful to others, respect their personal space and intimacy, only act upon mutual consent – only yes means yes! If you encounter a negative or molesting experience, involve friends or trusted people, and any of our staff.
– Let them know
Between friends, involve each other about your individual consumption throughout the night, what and how much of it you've had. With unknown substances, start with a small dose and observe the effect – or don't use at all. Never use if you are unaccompanied.
– Drink water, but don't share around
Always stay hydrated and take sips of water, regardless if you want to remain sober, or not. Cold potable water is available for free on tab in all restroom areas. Don't accept any liquids that have not been poured in front of your eyes at the bar. Don't share a drink vessel with others. Have your drinks attended at all times.
– Educate and protect yourself
Download and use the KnowDrugs app. It is free and provides you comprehensive, up-to-date information on harm reductionand as well as alerts on substances from Berlin-based Drug Checking services. If you have decided to use a substance, have it tested for content and contamination beforehand in Berlin's legal, anonymous, free of charge and confidential Drug Checking services, which also give advice on safer use and consumer competence. Current warnings on substances confirmed as contaminated can be found here. Poly drug use or the combination with alcohol consumption should be strictly avoided.
– Speak up
When you observe non-consensual action, encroaching behavior or unsafe experiences, speak up, or turn to our staff. Reach out to when you want to address an experience in hindsight.
– Believe each other
When in doubt, trust an account and help other people.
– Don’t forget to go home
Sleep is imperative and not a personal flaw, clubs are loud spaces, a club night isn't a marathon – give your body a rest. When you leave, inform your friends, or have trustworthy people accompany you. Consider using a rideshare service with registered drivers, avoid going alone. Also never accept any drinks offered on your way home.
What you can do if you start feeling unwell, or affected by sexualized violence
– Get immediate help from others
Inform your friends, trustworthy people around you, or professionals and describe them any changes in your condition or perception. Ask them to stay with you in case your condition worsens, but ask people you do not want to have near you to leave the situation – perpetrators may act as pretend helpers.
– Involve any of our staff
Turn to our staff, be it runners, bar, coat check or door crew. Involve them with your state of condition, and what you know or suspect that has led to it – they will help you, call for backup, if necessary support you in our quiet room on ground floor, or call medical assistance.
– Seek medical attention
Condition-permitting, receive medical support resp. get admitted to hospital by calling 112, or consult a doctor. In an emergency call, only describe your physical condition and symptoms, not the suspected cause. In the presence of medical professionals, state what you deliberately consumed before your condition worsened – doctors are bound by medical confidentiality, but information will help them to help you.
If you feel like being affected by date-rape drugs – so-called drink or needle spiking – get tested for Rohypnol / Flunitrazepam, Fentanyl, Scopolamine, Propofol, Ketamine, GHB / GBL or other downers. In case of physical harm, ask for HIV and Hepatitis C post-exposure prophylaxis medication.
– Secure evidence
Check your body for signs of external impact – to secure evidence of potential offences, timely action is necessary. Have bruises, body fluids (urine, sweat, spit, sperm), puncture marks, and a full blood count recorded by a professional. Many drugs can only be detected within a very short time after administration. Document any recollections of the time preceding your experience as memory minutes. Consider filing charges with police when you feel ready for it – only this way crimes can be investigated and offenders be prosecuted.
– Talk with others
Do not feel sorry or guilty for what has been done to you. Talk to friends about your encounter. Seek professional counsel, support and advice – see below. Reach out to about your experience, so that we can better learn from and adapt policies from any experience.
What you can do if others are in need of care
– Learn more and take action
Speak to the person in need of care, ask how they are feeling, if they want or need help. When in doubt about another person's condition, ask others to get help with our staff, and stay with the needy yourself.
– Share contacts, but respect personal space
Don't know each other but you have made observations that may help others? Offer sharing your contact information with them. Respect that you may be a stranger to them, and that your offer may be dismissed. Between friends, never let one leave alone with someone you don’t know or trust.
– Don't offer ‘self-medication'
Never alter, ‘slow down’ or ‘better’ a person's condition by offering any substance. In almost all cases it will worsen or complicate the situation.
– Call 112
When you are sure a person needs immediate medical attention, or if their condition deteriorates, call an ambulance. In an emergency call, only describe the physical condition and symptoms of the person(s) affected, not the suspected cause. In the presence of medical professionals, state what was deliberately consumed prior to the deterioration of the condition – doctors are subject to medical confidentiality, but information helps them to help others.
Mental and physical health support and prevention resources
Drug Checking Berlin
Unbiased, anonymous, free of charge and confidential advice on psychoactive substances, effects, side effects, risks and safer use. Anonymous, free and timely laboratory testing of substance samples at three locations.
Outpatient Clinic for the Protection against Violence
Forensic medical examination center for Berlin at Charitè
Confidential evidence recovery, appointments Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., examinations between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
DNA traces can only be secured within the first 72 hours after a crime
Birkenstraße 62, Haus N, 10559 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-450570270
MVZ Laboratory Medicine Berlin
Laboratory blood count analysis, by telephone reservation only Tuesday and Thursday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Ostseestr. 111, 10409 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-4000640
Counseling services on substance use and harm reduction, sexual health and infection risks
Berlin Crisis Service
Support with psychosocial problems, daily between 4 p.m. and midnight, national on-call service from midnight to 8 a.m., weekends and holidays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Große Hamburger Straße 5, 10115 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-3906310
LARA - Specialized Office against Sexualized Violence against Women*
Counseling and support for female* victims of sexualized violence, Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Tel. +49-30-2168888
MUT-Trauma help for men*
Counseling and support for male* victims of sexualized violence, by appointment
Tel: +49-30-80610077
Victim Support Berlin
Counseling and support for victims and witnesses of crimes, by appointment Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Oldenburger Str. 38, 10551 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-3952867
Drug Emergency Service Berlin
Party drug consultation with information, advice and safer use, 24-hour hotline
Tel: +49-30-19237
Walk Home Phone
Get company by call for your way home no matter where you are, Sunday to Thursday between 8 p.m. and midnight, Friday and Saturday between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m.
Tel: +49-30-12074182
Artwork: Benedikt Rugar
The contents of this page are for information purposes only and do not claim to be complete, up to date or accurate.